Results for "data%20compression"


  • GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

    The number of completely sequenced genomes is continuously rising, allowing for comparative analyses of genomic variation. Such analyses are often based on whole-genome align...

    2708 days ago

  • YAHA

    YAHA, a fast and flexible hash-based aligner. YAHA is as fast and accurate as BWA-SW at finding the single best alignment per query and is dramatically faster and more sensit...

    2706 days ago

  • BioDownloader

    BioDownloader is a program for downloading and/or updating files from ftp/http servers. The program has unique features that are specifically designed to deal with bioinforma...

    2670 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process per each element of data. Instead, MCE follows a bank queuing model. Imagine the line being the data an...

    2695 days ago

  • iTOL: interactive Tree Of Life

    Interactive Tree Of Life is an online tool for the display and manipulation of phylogenetic trees. It provides most of the features available in other tree viewers, and...

    2695 days ago

  • DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data

    DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA...

    2689 days ago


    Software available at this site FineSTRUCTURE version 2, a pipeline for running ChromoPainter and FineSTRUCTURE for population inference. A GUI is available for interpre...

    2682 days ago

  • MafTools

    maftools - An R package to summarize, analyze and visualize MAF files. Introduction. With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widley accep...

    2679 days ago

  • BRIG

    BRIG is a free cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Unix) application that can display circular comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly...

    2679 days ago

  • sockeye

    This sockeye software uses the Ensembl database project to import sequence and annotation information from several eukaryotic species. A user can additionally import the...

    2678 days ago