Results for "PA"


  • Machine Learning !!!

    In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predi...

    2919 days ago

  • 4DGenome

    Records in 4DGenome are compiled through comprehensive literature curation of experimentally-derived and computationally-predicted interactions. The current release c...

    2917 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools and software

    ...tiple sequence alignment. Faster and more accurate than CLUSTALW.  UPARSE >OTU clustering for 16S...>Detection of CRISPR repeats in bacterial genomes. QSCORE >Compare two multiple alignments for...

    2916 days ago

  • Fancy Oneliner for Bioinformatics !!

    This webpage lists some of the one-liners that we frequently use in metagenomic on the following links to browse through different topics. You can copy/paste the commands as they are i...

    2914 days ago

  • Scarpa

    Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS estimate insert size distributions from data. Scarpa is available free of charge (GPL). See the user manual or the paper for more information...

    2908 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    ...ic application for genome scaffolding of pre-assembled contigs using mate-pair data. It also produces edit...iguration file that notably specifies the average insert size of the mate-pair library preprocess allows t...

    2908 days ago

  • MEGAN6

    ...2GO, SEED, eggNOG or KEGG Bar charts, word clouds, Voronoi tree maps and many other charts PCoA, clustering and networks Supports metadata MEGAN parses many different types of i...

    2896 days ago

  • EMBOSS Apps

    The programs are listed in alphabetical order, Look at the individual applications or go to the GROUPS page to search by category. EMBASSY applications are described in separate documentation for each package. Applications in the current release

    2894 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    ...tect variation. The methods are adaptive and support heterogeneous data sets, including variations in sequencing depth, read lengths and mixtures of paired and single-end reads. A m...

    2853 days ago

  • A5-miseq

    ...ganisms. Use a different assembler if a tool like FastQC reports your data quality is dubious. You have been warned! Datasets consisting solely of unpaired reads are not currently s...

    2872 days ago