Results for "No"


  • TGNet

    Recent technological progress has greatly facilitated de novo genome sequencing. However, de novo assemblies consist in many pieces of  Visualization and quality assessment of de novo genome assemblies Citation...

    2870 days ago


    ...iscovery. Ryan M Layer, Colby Chiang, Aaron R Quinlan, and Ira M Hall. 2014. "LUMPY: a Probabilistic Framework for Structural Variant Discovery." Genome Biology 15 (6): R84. d...

    2869 days ago

  • Gene Finding and Predictions

    In this exercise, a previously annotated gene will be used to measure th...GRAIL, GENSCAN, geneid, FGENESH, GenomeScan, GrailEXP and GENEWISE will be used to annotate the sequence. Both search...initial exons in most cases.

    2868 days ago

  • Ka, Ks and Ka/Ks calculations

    gKaKs is a codon-based genome-level Ka/Ks computation pipeline developed and based on program...ompute the substitution rates (Ka, Ks and Ka/Ks) between a well-annotated genome and a non-annotated genome or even a poorly assembled...

    2865 days ago

  • Sushi: An R/Bioconductor package for visualizing genomic data

    Sushi: An R/Bioconductor package for visualizing genomic data

    2863 days ago

  • BRAKER: pipeline for fully automated prediction of protein coding genes with GeneMark-ES/ET and AUGUSTUS in novel eukaryotic genomes

    Gene finding in eukaryotic genomes is notoriously difficult to automate. The task is to design a work flow with a minimal set of tools that would reach state-of-the-art performance acro...

    2010 days ago

  • Redundans

    ... an assembly of heterozygous genomes.Program takes as input&nbs...eturns scaffolded homozygous genome assembly, that should be&nb...lose the gaps resulting from genome assembly or scaffolding&nbs...e laptop for small-to-medium size genomes flexible toward many...

    2862 days ago

  • CIRCOS Visualize !!

    ...ble. Your file must be plain text. Your data values must be non-negative integers. Data mus...pace-separated (one or more tab or space, which will be collapsed). No two rows or columns may have...

    2861 days ago

  • NGS Tutorial

    ...cope with large volume of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. NGS technologies brought a dramatic shift in the world of sequencing. Merely five years back, genome sequencing of higher eukary...

    2858 days ago

  • Sybil

    ...a primarily web-based front-end to comparative genome datasets warehoused in a ch...bioinformatics department at The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) and develo...Venter Institute (JCVI) and the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) at the Unive...

    2856 days ago