Results for "r"


  • GATB : Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph

    ... Genome Analysis Toolbox with de-Bruijn graph (GATB) provides a set of highly efficient algorithms to analyse NGS data of data sets of any size on multi-core desktop computers, including...metagenomes). More at

    2986 days ago

  • BUSCO: Assessing genome assembly and annotation completeness with Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs

    High-throughput genomics has revolutionized biological research, however, while the number of sequenced genomes grows by the day, quality assess...tly limited to technical measures like N50.  BUSCO pr...a comprehensive gene predictor training set for use as part...

    2974 days ago

  • segemehl

    segemehl is a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes. Unlike other methods, segem...e to detect not only mismatches but also insertions and deletions. Furthermo...fic read length and is able to map primer- or polyadenylation contamina...

    2974 days ago

  • YASS :: genomic similarity search tool

    YASS is a genomic similarity search tool, for nucleic (DNA/RNA) sequences in fasta or (FASTA, BLAST, PATTERNHUNTER, BLASTZ/LASTZ, LAST ...), YAS...zy repeats, as non-coding DNA/RNA. Another simple, but intere...t scoring schemes with bit-score and E-value evaluated accord...

    2982 days ago

  • Painless package development for R

    Devtools makes package development a breeze: it works with R’s existing conventions for code structure, adding efficien...kage becomes so easy that it will be your default layout whenever you&r...ndash;!forum/rdevtools book on...

    2981 days ago


    SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high performance computing. This page...TO guide for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7 L...

    2980 days ago

  • cutadapt

    Cutadapt finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence fro...our high-throughput sequencing reads. Cleaning your data in t...sequencing adapter because the read is longer than the tasks by finding the adapter or primer sequences in an err...

    2971 days ago

  • Platanus

    ...s a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel use the following: Kajitani R, Toshimoto K, Noguchi H, Toyo...nomes from whole-genome shotgun short reads”. Genome Re...

    2971 days ago

  • Andi

    This is the andi program for estimating the evolutionary distance between closely related genomes. These distances can be used to rapidly infer phylogenies for b...that it scales even up to thousands of bacterial genomes. This readme cove...

    2971 days ago

  • SATSUMA : Highly sensitive whole-genome synteny alignments.

    ...ole-genome synteny alignment program. It takes two genomes, comp...ntation of features, such as protein coding genes, non-coding...n built-in and is designed to run on multi-core If you use Satsuma in your research, please cite: Grabhe...

    2971 days ago