Results for "Ra"


  • Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)

    ..., in the context of the entire sequences and their annotation. It can read complete EMBL, GENBANK and GFF entries or sequences in FASTA or raw format. 

    2849 days ago

  • GAGE : Genome Assembly Gold-standard Evaluation

    ...bly algorithms. We have organized this "bake-off" as an attempt to produce a realistic assessment of genome assembly software in a rapidly changing field of next-generation sequencing. The main resu...

    2849 days ago

  • OPERA : Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler

    OPERA (Optimal Paired-End Read is a sequence assembly program ( known as Scaffolding. OPERA is based on an exact algorith...made significant changes to OPERA (v1.0 onwards) including refi...and use our latest version: OPERA-LG. In our benchmarks, it has...

    2847 days ago


    ...a minimal set ofunitigs to represent all the information in raw reads.Fermi follows the overlap-layout-consensus paradigm and uses the FM-DNA-index...assemblies by using paired-end reads to achieve an accuracy comparable to other assembl...

    2847 days ago

  • CGView - Circular Genome Viewer a sequence annotation pipeline. Users can interact with the genome using a pow...static images of a genome to a file. GView can draw a genome using either circul...The goal of GView is to provide greater user interaction, and more flexibility in...

    2837 days ago

  • BLAST Ring Image Generator (BRIG)

    ...questions or comments, post them on one of the trackers on BRIG’s SourceForge page: Featur...equence variation in a set of complete genomes, draft genomes or even raw, unasse...

    2826 days ago

  • Strudel

    Strudel is our graphical tool for visualizing genetic and physical maps of genomes for comparative purposes. The application...elationships between genomes. All browsing and interaction with Strudel happens in...

    2826 days ago

  • Murasaki

    Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for w...21 CPU hours (42 wall minutes)) scalable (Arbitrarily parallelizable across mul...ory efficient. (Even a single node with 16GB of ram can handle over 1Gbp of sequ...

    2826 days ago

  • Nemo – A stochastic, individual-base, genetically explicit simulation platform

    ...en added for all multi-locus traits. The map positions (chromosomal) for neutral markers (e.g. SNPs) and loci...ecified explicitly, or set at random. The map can hold an unli...QTLs coding for quantitative traits under spatially variable s...ispersal matrix describing migration only among the connected...

    2824 days ago


    The accurate description and annotation of structural variants can be complex.  T...that variants are reported from traditional cytogenetic coor...s. Furthermore, multiple rearrangements in a single area of

    2824 days ago