Results for "MYSQL Tutorial for beginner"


  • Samtools Primer !!

    SAMtools: Primer / Tutorial by Ethan Cerami, Ph.D.keywords: samtools, next-gen, next-generation, sequencing, bowtie, sam, bam, primer, tutorial, how-to, introductionRev...       Updated usage for bcft...

    2900 days ago

  • QuIN’s web server

    Recent studies of the human genome have i...ion levels. Genomic technologies for mapping interactions between...prioritization of critical loci for important cellular functions....age of network theory approaches for the analysis of chromatin Apache Tomcat web server and MySQL da...

    2896 days ago

  • Understanding PacBio

    This tutorial includes resources for learning more about PacBio data and bioinformatics analysis, and includes content suitable for both beginners and experts. Below are links to traini...rted with your data processing, as well as information for specialized applications...

    2654 days ago

  • NGS Tutorial

    These tutorials are written for hundreds of bioinformaticians trying to cope with large volume of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. NGS technologies brought a dramatic shift...

    2826 days ago


    DECIPHER is a software toolset that can be used to maintain, analyze, and decipher large using DECIPHER read the "Getting Started DECIPHERing" tutorial. Refer to the PDF documents below for instructions on how to use DECIPHER for vari...

    2801 days ago

  • Velvet tutorial

    The objective of this activity is to help you understand how to run Velvet in general, how to accurately estimate the insert size of a paired-end library throu...

    2731 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tutorial

    If genomes were completely random sequences in a statistical sense, 'overlap-consensus-lay...handle the assembly of repetitive regions better. More at

    2720 days ago

  • BioStats class tutorial

    Nice biostat turorial by Ingo Ruczinski

    2634 days ago

  • Metagenomics assembly workshop !!

    Welcome to the one-day metagenomics assembly workshop. This tutorial will guide you through the typical steps of metagenome assembly and binning. The Tutorial...

    2601 days ago

  • Bacterial genome assembly !!

    This tutorial will serve as an example of how to use free and open-source genome assembly...l sequence data. The bacterial sample used in this tutorial will be referred data is paired-end data, meaning that there are forward...

    2584 days ago