Results for "File"


  • bedtools

    ...bedtools allows one tointersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from multiple files in widely-used genomic file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF...

    2679 days ago

  • splitbam: splits a BAM by chromosomes

    ...ionary (*.dict), it also creates some empty BAM files if no sam record was found f...-h help; This screen. -R (indexed reference file) REQUIRED. -u (unmapped chro...air of sam records to the empty bam -p (output file/bam pattern) REQUIRED. MUST c...

    2674 days ago

  • CLgenomics

    ...CLgenomics, individual genome data (genome sequences + annotation details) are compiled and saved in a specially formatted file called CLG (ChunLab Genomics). Each CLG file corresponds with one bacteria...

    2671 days ago

  • SeqMule: Automated human exome/genome variants detection

    SeqMule takes single-end or paird-end FASTQ or BAM files, generates a script consisting of more than 10 pop...the pipeline or fine-tune the parameters by modifying its configuration file. SeqMule also has some built-...

    2667 days ago

  • SNPGenie

    ...alled relative to a single reference sequence (one sequence in one FASTA file). Just run the main script,, in a directory containing the necessary input files, and we take care of the res...

    2644 days ago

  • UpSetR Shiny App!

    ...ummary statistics derived from subset or element attributes. To begin, input your data using one of the three input styles. "File" takes a correctly formatted.csv file. "List" takes up to 6 differ...

    2630 days ago


    ...tein search on short reads and longer sequences including contigs and assemblies, providing a speedup of BLAST ranging up to x20,000. More at file:///home/urbe/Downloads/diamon...

    2617 days ago

  • Fastq format

    FASTQ format is a text-based format for storing both a biological sequence (usually nucleotide sequence) and its corresponding quality scores. Both...

    2611 days ago

  • Finishing !!

    ...ptical maps for assembly can be found here: SOMA v2.0 (63 MB tar.gz file). This version of SOMA contai...for AMOS-Hybrid are available here: AMOS-Hybrid v1.0 (142 MB tar.gz file).  Assembly and sequenc...

    2593 days ago

  • Grinder / Biogrinder - A versatile omics shotgun and amplicon sequencing read simulator

    ...s a versatile program to create random shotgun and amplicon sequence libraries based on DNA, RNA or proteic reference sequences provided in a FASTA file. Grinder can produce genomi...

    2589 days ago