Results for "structural and sequence variation"


  • Kraken: ultrafast metagenomic sequence classification using exact alignments

    Kraken is an ultrafast and highly accurate program for assigning taxonomic labels to metagenomic DNA sequences. Previous programs desi...r this task have been relatively slow and computationally expensive, forcing...nute, 909 times faster than Megablast and 11 ti...

    2904 days ago

  • Greengenes database

    The greengenes web application provides access to the 2011 version of the greengenes 16S rRNA gene sequence alignment for browsing, blasting, probing, and downloading. The data and tools presented by greengenes can...esults, and aligning/annotating novel sequences...

    2902 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools and software

    USEARCH >Extreme high-throughput sequence analysis. Orders of magn...AST. MUSCLE >Multiple sequence alignment. Faster and more accurate than CLUSTALW. &nbs...SE >OTU clustering for 16S and other marker genes. Highly accurate OTU sequences and improved diversity measu...

    2896 days ago

  • Genome STRiP

    ...uite of tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations using sequencing data....enome STRiP looks both across and within a set of sequenced genomes to detect variation....ogeneous data sets, including variations in sequencing depth, read lengths and mixtures of paired and single-end r...

    2834 days ago

  • RepeatModeler

    RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. At the heart of RepeatMo...wo de-novo repeat finding programs ( RECON and RepeatScout ) which employ co...for identifying repeat element boundaries and family relationships from sequence...

    2852 days ago

  • TGNet

    Recent technological progress has greatly facilitated de in many pieces of contiguous sequence (contigs) arranged in thousands of scaffolds instead of smal...mbers of chromosomes. Confirming and improving the quality of such asse...& Wurm (2011) Visualization and quali...

    2847 days ago


    A probabilistic framework for structural variant discovery. Ryan M Layer, Colby Chiang, Aaron R Quinlan, and Ira M Hall. 2014. "LUMPY: a Probabilistic Framework for Structura...

    2845 days ago

  • Gene Finding and Predictions

    In this exercise, a previously annotated gene will be used to measure the accuracy o...ENSCAN, geneid, FGENESH, GenomeScan, GrailEXP and GENEWISE will be used to annotate the sequence. Both search by signal, content and homology (protein and cDNA sequences...

    2844 days ago

  • R-chie

    ...allowing for easy comparison and overlap of two structures, rank and display basepairs in colour a...ualize corresponding multiple sequence alignments and co-variation information.R4RNA is th...ilable for download and local use for more customized figur...

    2838 days ago

  • OPERA : Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler

    OPERA (Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler) is a sequence assembly program ( It uses infor...mate-pair/long reads to order and orient the intermediate contigs/sc...ors, improve efficiency etc.) and incorporated features that are imp...

    2831 days ago