Results for "CDS"



  • HybPiper

    ...reads are distributed to separate directories, where they are assembled separately using SPAdes. The main output is a FASTA file of the (in frame) CDS portion of the sample for eac...

    2782 days ago

  • HS3D: Homo Sapiens Splice Sites Dataset

    ...characterization. From the complete GenBank (Primate Sequences Division) Rel.123 (162,557 entries), entries of Human Nuclear DNA including Complete CDS and more than one Exon have b...

    1466 days ago

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  • #Intersect your bed data with coverage $ bedtools genomecov -ibam aln.bam -bga | awk '$4==0' | bedtools intersect -a cds.bed -b - -f 1.0

    2041 days ago



  • AnchorWave

    AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors (full-length CDS and full-length exon have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragments, i.e., anchor and inter-anchor intervals. By performing sensitive sequence alignm...

    Tags: AnchorWave, Anchored, Wavefront, Alignment, collinear, regions, conserved, anchors, CDS, exon, currently, breaks, collinear, regions, fragments, anchor, inter-anchor, intervals

    845 days ago