Results for "Comparative"


  • Sequence - Evolution - Function; Computational Approaches in Comparative Genomics

    Sequence - Evolution - Function is an introduction to the computational approaches that play a critical role in the emerging new branch of biology known as functional genomics. The book provides the reader with an understanding of the principles and approaches of functional genomics and of t...

    Tags: Sequence, Evolution, Function, Computational, Approaches, Comparative, Genomics

    2603 days ago

  • Computational Genomics: Applied Comparative Genomics

    The primary goal of the course is for students to be grounded in theory and leave the course empowered to conduct independent genomic analyses. We will study the leading computational and quantitative approaches for comparing and analyzing genomes starting from raw sequencing data. The cours...

    Tags: Computational, Genomics, Applied, Comparative, Genomics

    2488 days ago

  • Comparative genomics scripts

    Comparative genomics educational material and papers bookmarks

    Tags: Comparative, genomics, script

    2480 days ago

  • CAMSA :: a tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies

    CAMSA – is a tool for Comparative Analysis and Merging of Scaffold Assemblies, distributed both as a standalone software package and as Python library under the MIT license. Main features: works with any number of scaffold assemblies in de-novo non-progressive f...

    Tags: CAMSA, tool, Comparative, Analysis, Merging, Scaffold, Assemblies

    2458 days ago

  • CBS Comparative Microbial Genomics group - BioTools download page

    he CMG-biotools system presents a stand-alone interface for comparative microbial genomics. The package is a customized operating system, based on Xubuntu 10.10, available through the open source Ubuntu project. The system can be installed on a virtual computer, allowing the user to run the sys...

    Tags: CBS, Comparative, Microbial, Genomics, BioTools, download, page

    2221 days ago

  • Synteny and Rearrangement Identifier (SyRI)

    SyRI is a comprehensive tool for predicting genomic differences between related genomes using whole-genome assemblies (WGA). The assemblies are aligned using whole-genome alignment tools, and these alignments are then used as input to SyRI. SyRI identifies syntenic path (longest set of co-linear ...

    Tags: Synteny, Rearrangement, Identifier, SyRI, Genome, Comparative, Genomics

    1599 days ago

  • Comparative Genomics Workshops !

    This meeting's objective was to obtain a big picture look at the current state of the field of comparative genomics with a focus on commonalities across genomic investigations into humans, model organisms (both traditional and non-traditional), agricultural species, wildlife species and...

    Tags: Comparative, Genomics, Workshops, Genome, Evolutions

    969 days ago

  • Comparative genomics visualisation tools !

    Comparative genomics visualisation tools !

    Tags: Comparative, genomics, genome, visualisation, view, see, plot, tools, tool

    947 days ago

  • phyloXML: XML for evolutionary biology and comparative genomics

    phyloXML (example) is an XML language designed to describe phylogenetic trees (or networks) and associated data. PhyloXML provides elements for commonly used features, such as taxonomic information, gene names and identifiers, branch lengths, support values, and gene duplication an...

    Tags: phyloXML, XML, evolutionary, biology, comparative, genomics

    2487 days ago

  • kraken: A universal genomic coordinate translator for comparative genomics

    If you planning on conducting a study involving dozens of large genomes, then you do not have to run all pairwise synteny alignments .. simply try kraken: A universal genomic coordinate translator for comparative genomics

    Tags: kraken, universal, genomic, coordinate, translator, comparative, genomics

    2480 days ago