Results for "Extensive"


  • R and Bioconductor Tutorial

    ...s that  biologists need to perform  some basic analysis:  load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More extensive tutorials can be found on the...

    3936 days ago

  • MEGADOCK 4.0

    ...structural bioinformatics and requires huge computing resources. In this work, we present MEGADOCK 4.0, an FFT-based docking software that makes extensive use of recent heterogeneous s...

    3587 days ago

  • Centurion

    Although centromeres are essential for life and are the subject of extensive research, centromere locations in yeast genomes are difficult to infer, and in most species they are still...

    3033 days ago

  • Genome Browser : GBrowse

    Generic Genome Browser Version 2: A Tutorial for Administrators This is an extensive tutorial to take you through the main features and gotchas of configuring GBrowse as a server. Thi...

    3026 days ago

  • cutadapt

    ...ata is supported. If you want, you can also just demultiplex your input data, without removing adapter sequences at all. Cutadapt comes with an extensive suite of automated tests and...

    2942 days ago

  • Andi

    ...ales even up to thousands of bacterial genomes. This readme covers all necessary instructions for the impatient to get andi up and running. For extensive instructions please consult t...

    2942 days ago

  • Method in Comparative genomics !!

    ...motifs. Our results demonstrate the power of comparative genomics to further our understanding of any species. Our methods are validated by the extensive experimental knowledge in yea...

    2762 days ago

  • Cutadapt

    ...ata is supported. If you want, you can also just demultiplex your input data, without removing adapter sequences at all. Cutadapt comes with an extensive suite of automated tests and...

    2727 days ago

  • DnaSP v5: a software for comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data

    ...are package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA polymorphism analyses on...

    2673 days ago

  • Fools guide help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinformatics skills. It cov...

    2618 days ago