Results for "MitoFinder"


  • MitoFinder

    ...l Resour. 20, 892-905. (publication link) Mitofinder is a pipeline to genes from trimmed read sequencing data. MitoFinder is also designed to ...acBio/Nanopore/Illumina sequencing data...) MitoFinder is distributed under the...

    278 days ago

Top-level pages

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    ...compared to the nuclear genome, making it an ideal target for assembly. Here are some commonly used mitochondrial genome assembly tools: MitoFinder: Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mit...

    270 days ago


  • MitoFinder

    Allio, R., Schomaker-Bastos, A., Romiguier, J., Prosdocimi, F., Nabholz, B., & Delsuc, F. (2020) Mol Ecol Resour. 20, 892-905. (publication link) Mitofinder is a pipeline to assemble mitochondrial genomes and annotate mitochondrial genes from trimmed read sequencin...

    Tags: MitoFinder, Mitochondria, Genome, Assembly, Find

    278 days ago