Results for "common"


  • Online Bioinformatics Courses better explain the data computationally.  I found this online bioinformatics courses really interesting where they are covering the common algorithms underlying the fol...

    3973 days ago

  • Best practices in bioinformatics training for life scientists

    Among life scientists, from clinicians to environmental researchers, a common theme is the need not just to use, and gain familiarity with, bioinformatics tools and resources but also...

    3946 days ago

  • R and Bioconductor Tutorial

    This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that  biologists need to perform  some basic analysis:  load a t...

    3936 days ago

  • Java and BioJava Tutorial links

    BioJava provides analytical and statistical routines, parsers for common file formats and allows the manipulation of sequences and 3D structures. The goal of this bookmark is to provide useful links for bioinformatician. Please add more useful Java and BioJava links here ...

    3931 days ago

  • Public Databases for Bioinformatics !

    ...ightly nfs mount to dhara should store code, papers, and other highly processed data here /mnt/data/ globally accessible data should store common data here e.g. genomes and i...

    1167 days ago

  • Orange-Bioinformatics 2.5.34

    Orange Bioinformatics extends Orange, a data mining software package, with common functionality for bioinformatics. The provided functionality can be accessed as a Python library or t...

    3527 days ago

  • BioToolbox

    ...ariety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The Bio::ToolBox libraries provide a unified, abstracted interface to multiple common gene annotation formats and t...

    3026 days ago

  • RNA-Seq De novo Assembly Using Trinity

    ...ijn graphs for each cluster. Each cluster represents the full transcriptonal complexity for a given gene (or sets of genes that share sequences in common). Chrysalis then partitions t...

    2993 days ago

  • AccNET the accessory genome of a given set of organisms. Using the proteomes of these organisms, AccNET create a bipartite network compatible with common network analysis platforms. A...

    2795 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    ...g of pre-assembled contigs using mate-pair data. It also produces editable scaffold maps, allowing either to build gapped scaffolds or usable as a common thread for the manual improve...

    2881 days ago