Results for "insertions"


  • ALE: a Generic Assembly Likelihood Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Accuracy of Genome and Metagenome Assemblies

    ...age, read alignment and k-mer frequency. ALE pinpoints synthetic errors in both single and metagenomic assemblies, including single-base errors, insertions/deletions, genome rearrangeme...

    2982 days ago

  • segemehl

    ...l is a software to map short sequencer reads to reference genomes. Unlike other methods, segemehl is able to detect not only mismatches but also insertions and deletions. Furthermore, s...

    2968 days ago

  • MOSAIK: A Hash-Based Algorithm for Accurate Next-Generation Sequencing Short-Read Mapping This method is well-suited to capture mismatches as well as short insertions and deletions. To support the...explicit support for handling known-sequence SVs, e.g. mobile element insertions (MEIs) as well as generating...

    2957 days ago

  • Stampy

    .... Stampy excels in the mapping of reads containing that contain sequence variation relative to the reference, in particular for those containing insertions or deletions.

    2957 days ago


    ...r split read (reads which span across a structrual variant -- SV ) mapping and SV calling from the mapping result. PRISM is able to detect small insertions and abitrary size deletions,...

    2753 days ago

  • MEME suite

    ...sing both probabilistic (MEME) and discrete models (MEME), which have complementary strengths. It also allows discovery of motifs with arbitrary insertions and deletions (GLAM2). In add...

    2741 days ago

  • GenomeRing: alignment visualization based on SuperGenome coordinates

    ...arative analyses of genomic variation. Such analyses are often based on whole-genome alignments to elucidate structural differences arising from insertions, deletions or from rearrangem...

    2715 days ago

  • GenomeComp and visualizing the genome wide sequence comparison results derived from voluminous BLAST textual output, so as to locate the rearrangements, insertions or deletions of genome segmen...

    2685 days ago

  • DIAL

    ...f a reference genome. DIAL works even when the depth of coverage is insufficient for de novo assembly, and it can be extended to determine small insertions/deletions. Our main motivatio...

    2673 days ago

  • LoRDEC: a hybrid error correction program for long, PacBio reads then corrected using the reference set. Typically, the reference set contains Illumina reads. Usually, errors in PacBio reads include many insertions and deletions, and comparativ...

    2633 days ago