Results for "mapping"


  • MashMap: a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s)

    MashMap is a fast and approximate software for mapping long reads (PacBio/ONT) or assembly to reference genome(s). It maps a query sequence against a reference region if and only if its estimated alignment identity is above a specified threshold. It does not compute the alignments explicitly, but...

    Tags: MashMap, fast, approximate, software, mapping, long, reads, PacBio, ONT, assembly, reference, genome(s)

    2364 days ago

  • Magic-BLAST: a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome.

    Magic-BLAST is a tool for mapping large next-generation RNA or DNA sequencing runs against a whole genome or transcriptome. Each alignment optimizes a composite score, taking into account simultaneously the two reads of a pair, and in case of RNA-seq, locating the candidate introns and adding up ...

    Tags: Magic-BLAST, mapping, next-generation, RNA, DNA, sequencing, whole, genome, transcriptome.

    2349 days ago

  • MITObim - mitochondrial baiting and iterative mapping

    This document contains instructions on how to use the MITObim pipeline described in Hahn et al. 2013. The full article can be found here. Kindly cite the article if you are using MITObim in your work. The pipeline was originally developed for Illumina data, but thanks to the versat...

    Tags: MITObim, mitochondrial, baiting, iterative, mapping, Tools

    2217 days ago

  • HISAT2: a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads

    HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes (as well as to a single reference genome). Based on an extension of BWT for graphs [Sirén et al. 2014], we designed and implemented a ...

    Tags: HISAT2, fast, sensitive, alignment, program, mapping, next-generation, sequencing, reads, tools

    2217 days ago

  • Breakpointer: using local mapping artifacts to support sequence breakpoint discovery from single-end reads

    Breakpointer is a fast tool for locating sequence breakpoints from the alignment of single end reads (SE) produced by next generation sequencing (NGS). It adopts a heuristic method in searching for local mapping signatures created by insertion/deletions (indels) or more complex structural variant...

    Tags: Breakpointer, local, mapping, artifacts, support, sequence, breakpoint, discovery, single-end, reads

    2182 days ago

  • Heatmapper: web-enabled heat mapping for all

    Heatmapper is a freely available web server that allows users to interactively visualize their data in the form of heat maps through an easy-to-use graphical interface. Heatmapper is a versatile tool that allows users to easily create a wide variety of heat maps for many different data types and ...

    Tags: Heatmapper, web-enabled, web, heat, map, mapping, all, online, tool

    2071 days ago

  • COSINE: non-seeding method for mapping long noisy sequences

    Third generation sequencing (TGS) are highly promising technologies but the long and noisy reads from TGS are difficult to align using existing algorithms. Here, we present COSINE, a conceptually new method designed specifically for aligning long reads contaminated by a high level of errors.

    Tags: COSINE, non-seeding, method, mapping, long, noisy, sequences

    2046 days ago

  • OMTools: a software package for visualizing and processing optical mapping data

    OMTools, an efficient and intuitive data processing and visualization suite to handle and explore large-scale optical mapping profiles. OMTools includes modules for visualization (OMView), data processing and simulation. These modules together form an accessible and convenient pipeline for optica...

    Tags: OMTools, software, package, visualizing, processing, optical, mapping, data

    1892 days ago

  • VCF Compare !

    compare two BWA mapping methods with the online hg18-mapped data We first operate a rapid inspection of the different BAM files using samtools flagstat. Illumina provided chr21 read mapping obtained with their GA IIx deep sequencing platform <ftp://webdata:webdata@uss...

    Tags: bwa, mapping, genome, vcf, align, genome

    865 days ago

  • LAST

    LAST can: Handle big sequence data, e.g: Compare two vertebrate genomes Align billions of DNA reads to a genome Indicate the reliability of each aligned column. Use sequence quality data properly. Compare DNA to proteins, with frameshifts. Compare PSSMs to sequences Calculate th...

    Tags: LAST, Bioinformatics, Mapping, Match, Align, Sequences, Compare

    3007 days ago