Results for "workbook"


  • bioinformatics workbook

    ...material and tips/tricks for common bioinformatic problems, that is referred to for more information throughout the book.

    1248 days ago

Top-level pages

  • Import R Data

    ...sp;first sheet Alternatively, we can use the function loadWorkbook from the XLConnect package to read the entire workbook, and then load the worksheets...

    2521 days ago

Wire posts

  • Export excel in R #R #Excel

    3648 days ago



  • bioinformatics workbook

    This books assumes that the reader has some knowledge of biology and basic understanding of the Unix command line. However, for the beginner, the appendix contains introductory material and tips/tricks for common bioinformatic problems, that is referred to for more information throughout the book...

    Tags: bioinformatics, workbook, book, tutorial, learn

    1248 days ago