Results for "perl"


  • Regular Expression Cheat Sheet

    The Regular Expression are the sole of Perl language, and for bioinformatician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. We did not find any good and user friendly regular expression cheat sheet, hence write our own cheat sheet. The Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet, a quick ...

    Tags: Cheat Sheets, Perl, Regular Expressions, Genome, Strings

    3995 days ago

  • Detect the sequence pattern and its location in fasta file with match and mismatches information.

    This script is one of my old script to detect some centromeric pattern in chromosomes. User can also control the number of mismatches allowed through command line .. To run: perl

    Tags: Centromere, AI, Perl, Pattern, Regular Expression, Extract Region

    3910 days ago

  • Clean the FASTA file

    Mostly FASTA file contain NNN characters, which can be replace by random A T G C character with this perl script. It also print the FASTA sequence name, N's counts, nucleotide count and percentage details at command prompt/standard output.  

    Tags: Fasta, Clean, Perl, NNN charaters

    3908 days ago

  • file

    SSPACE_longread complain for file. To resolve this, download and have in SSPACED-Longreads folder. Cheers :)

    Tags: SSAPCE, LongREads, SSPACE-Longreads, Scaffolding, error, getopts, perl, genome

    2194 days ago