Results for "simulate"


  • Computer simulation of genetic mechanism !!

    ...s/cosi/ CS-PSeq-Gen A program to simulate the evolution of protein sequ...DAWG An application designed to simulate the evolution of recombinant...A biological sequence simulation program that simulates highly divergent DNA sequenc...

    3003 days ago

  • BBTools for bioinformatician !

    ...v. 36.59] gains the ability to simulate metagenomes. coverage=X...ting them with the other references.  Simulate a jump library You can sim...-------------------------------------Mutate.shSimulate multiple mutants from a known...

    2299 days ago


  • Public Databases for Bioinformatics !

    ...(queue, ofp): # Try without this random.seed() while True: i = queue.get() if i == 'FINISHED': return # simulate an expensive function...

    1168 days ago

  • WgSim

    ...reads from a reference genome. It is able to simulate diploid genomes with SNPs and...insertion/deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms, and simulate reads with uniform substituti...ulating INDEL polymorphisms.Wgsim outputs the simulated polymorphisms, and writes th...

    2901 days ago

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