Results for "Find"


  • Python Education Material to practice Python coding. These materials are used within Google to introduce Python to people who have just a little programming experience. Find more @ https://developer...

    3979 days ago

  • Mom Knows Best wash our hands, sterilize kitchen stuff and bla bla. However, recent findings suggest something else. P...problems if bacteria’s colonies are absent in mother womb. Please find the detail sources of microbi...

    3936 days ago

  • Petrol from Ecoli

    ...ore, this platform strain, if desired, can be modified to produce other products such as short-chain fatty esters and short-chain fatty alcohols." Find more at

    3897 days ago

  • Lateral Gene Transfer Is Enriched in Cancer Samples

    There has been always a confusion on cancer and bacteria relationship. This is the first paper which shows lateral gene transfer causes cancer.  Find more at

    3968 days ago

  • Sorghum genome Sequenced!!

    ...tudy are known to display agronomically important traits including stay-green drought resistance, insect resistance, grain size and grain quality. Find more at http://www.natur...

    3926 days ago

  • Fourth Branch of Life

    ...warfs other viruses, which range in size from about 50 nanometers up to 100 nanometers. A genus is a taxonomic ranking between species and family. Find  more at @

    3918 days ago

  • A fast package to parse BLAST

    ...mparable speed of more basic parser written in compiled languages as C++ and can be easily integrated into web applications or software pipelines. Find more @

    3917 days ago

  • OSDDlinux : Computational resources for drug discovery

    ...ux is to promote open source in drug discovery, crowdsourcing and network based collobrations. Following are major features of OSDDlinux ...  Find more @ http://osddlinux....

    3905 days ago

  • BEReX : Biomedical Entity-Relation eXplorer

    ...EReX returns a sub-network matching the keywords. The resulting graph can be explored interactively. BEReX allows users to find the shortest paths between two remote nodes; find the most relevant drugs, dise...

    3867 days ago

  • Make Genomic Research Less Ethnically-Biased

    ...nd of scientific racism, you might call it. The problem: most samples of DNA analyzed in biomedical research come from people of European descent. Find more detail news at http://ww...

    3867 days ago