Results for "genetics test"


  • Two major breakthrough!!

    "Scientists in Uruguay in colloboration with European partners sequenced the genome of...hich "the most healthy of red wines" are fermented. A quick, $1 syphilis test in development by researchers...

    3926 days ago

  • RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

    It describe the GAGE (Luo et al., 2009) /Pahview (Luo and Brouwer, 2013) workflows on&n...a full workflow from preparation, reads counting, data preprocessing, gene set test, to pathway visualization in...

    3861 days ago

  • The genome factory !!!

    Illumina, Inc. announced Tuesday that its new HiSeq X Ten Sequencing System has broken the “sound barrier&rdquo...ns. Over the next few years, we have an opportunity to learn as much about the gene...

    3790 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    The American Cancer Society projects the numbe...has developed a cheap, simple, paper test that can detect cancer. These...ic, which works much like a pregnancy test, could reveal within minutes,...o these kind of analysis. These paper test essentially relies on nanopar...

    3750 days ago

  • Genome of Rainbow Trout Sequenced

    Major finding: “In humans and most vertebrates the duplication events were older so there are fewer duplicated...lished in the journal Nature Communications. Source:

    3691 days ago

  • Scalpel

    A team from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory has released an algorithm, called Scalpel, fo...rge, outperformed the popular tools GATK HaplotypeCaller and SOAPindel in test runs on both simulated and re...

    3575 days ago

  • Tsetse Fly Genome sequenced

    As it reported online today in Science, the team used several sequencing approaches to tackle the tset...ent study, and companion articles slated to appear in PLOS One, PLOS Gene...

    3691 days ago

  • Deadly Human Pathogen Cryptococcus Sequenced

    "Now, researchers have sequenced the entire genome and all the RNA products of the most i...called H99. The results, which appear in PLOS Genetics, also describe a number of ge...yptococcus-fully-sequenced Paper: http://www.plosgene...

    3691 days ago

  • NCBI Webinar

    In less than two weeks, NCBI will offer a webi...roducing 3 NCBI Resources to Navigate Testing for Disease Linked Variant...l delve into the lifecycle of genetic testing and teach attendees how to...d information about orderable genetic tests, interpret test results, and...

    3647 days ago

  • You and your friend have similar DNA !!!

    New research out of Massachusetts claims that people often choose friends that are similar to them in gene...

    3598 days ago