Results for "BGI Group"


  • R 3.2.0 is released

    R 3.2.0 (codename “Full of Ingredients”) was released yesterday.&n...tors, and the defaults have been changed accordingly. Functions in the Summary group duplicate less. (PR#15798) (...

    3333 days ago

  • ORFfinder with smart BLAST

    ORF Finder ORFfinder is a graphical analysis tool for finding open reading fr...( Select one or a group of ORFs and BLAST several dat...

    2939 days ago

  • Find predicted CRISPR sites using Ensembl

    Did you know that you can now use Ensembl to help design your CRISPR experiments? J...d new track that shows you the CRISPR sites that have been predicted by the WGE group (

    2867 days ago

  • Earth BioGenome Project

    The central goal of the Earth BioGenome Project is to understand the evolution annotating the genomes of 1.5 million known species of eukaryotes, a massive group that includes plants, animals...

    2230 days ago

  • NGS Platforms launched by BGI’s MGI Tech

    MGI Tech Co., Ltd. (MGI), a subsidiary of BGI Group, is committed to enabling effec...MGI, a subsidiary of global genomics leader BGI Group, announced pricing and its fi...mis-assignment rate. SOURCE MGI

    1970 days ago

  • 598 Indian Genomes from 55 ethnic groups Sequenced

    This study reports sequence from 1,...ndividuals representing 55 ethnic groups that span the major language groups across India. Important...d to each other by descent. These groups are similar to the Finnish p...are specific to Indian population groups that were previously not kno...

    1633 days ago

  • China’s BGI says it can sequence a genome for just $100

    Using technology originally acquired in the US, the Chinese gene giant BGI Group says it will make genome seq...ople a year. Ref:

    1555 days ago

  • The pandemic has worsened the plight of postdoctoral researchers !

    The pandemic has worsened the plight of postdoctoral researchers. Funders need to b...7,600 people responded from across 19 disciplines. The sample, a self-selecting group scattered over 93 countries,...

    1360 days ago