Results for "GA"


  • Oldest Hominin DNA Sequenced

    ...ipzig, Germany, have developed new techniques for retrieving and sequencing highly degraded ancient DNA. They then joined forces with Juan-Luis Arsuaga and applied the new technique...

    3830 days ago

  • The genome factory !!!

    ...ville, Maryland, the Broad Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the Garvan Institute of Medical Rese...terabases (Tb) of sequencing data in less than three days or up to 600 gigabases (Gb) per day, per system...

    3811 days ago

  • Cancers cure is on the way !!!

    ...ted the unique abilities of the blind mole rat to resist cancer, even when directly given potent cancer-causing chemicals. In this study researchers gave blind mole rats potent canc...

    3804 days ago

  • C-DAC launch supercomputing facility "Param Bio Blaze" !!!

    ...ering, it constitutes bioinformatics. The technological advancements are bringing new dimensions to the understanding of molecular basis of living organisms. There is immense data g...

    3777 days ago

  • Atlas of ancient inter-ethnic group !!!

    ...years ago, and had spread across Australia, Asia and Europe by 40,000 years BC. Indo-Aryan migration from the Indus Valley to the plain of the River Ganges in Northern India is pres...

    3781 days ago

  • Paper test for cancer !!!

    ...bile phone. The MIT professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator Sangeeta Bhatia, who is al...hort protein fragments) targeted by different MMPs. These particles congregate at tumor sites, where MMPs...

    3770 days ago

  • Scalpel

    ...vailable for download on SourceForge, outperformed the popular tools GATK HaplotypeCaller and Nature Methods, compares Scalpel's performance on a live whole exome against HaplotypeCaller and SOAPi...

    3595 days ago

  • Genome of Rainbow Trout Sequenced

    ...cates over time. In the trout and salmon we can see an earlier stage in the process and many duplicated genes are still present,” said Dr Gary Thorgaard of Washington State Univer...

    3711 days ago

  • “On” and “Off” the neuron !!!

    ...nging 10 of the 333 amino acids in an existing optogenetic protein, which itself had been engineered by combining natural proteins from green algae. That advance “cr...

    3711 days ago

  • UK executive accused in GlaxoSmithKline China probe

    ...d the case over to prosecutors, officials said. GSK said it took the allegations "very seriously" and wou...r. Chinese authorities announced in July last year that they were investigating GSK, detaining four Chine...

    3693 days ago