Results for "Results"


  • BLAST+ 2.10.0 released

    ...updated composition-based statistics for protein-protein (including translated BLAST) comparisons to provide stable results when you request fewer than the default number of results an experimental Adaptive Com...

    1738 days ago

  • NCBI BLAST have added new columns to the Descriptions

    ...Manage columns' to add or remove columns from the display Your preferences will be saved for your next visit to BLAST, and when you download your results, whatever columns you have di...

    1389 days ago

  • Cleaner BLAST Databases for More Accurate Results

    ...sified sequences are in the BLAST databases and show up in your search results. To address this

    151 days ago

  • New BLAST Core Nucleotide Database (core_nt)

    ...(core_nt) is now the default nucleotide BLAST database. Core_nt is also available on the command line. You get faster searches & more focused results. Core_nt contains the same e...

    39 days ago