Results for "Data"


  • SPADes team announce new version SPADes v3.15

    ...PAdes pipeline for the assembly of transcriptomic and metatranscriptomic data of full-length coronaviridae...eta-Viral and RNA-Viral pipelines for metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data defining viral genomes; ...

    1258 days ago

  • NCBIBLAST+ 2.14.1 now available

    ...mproved documentation, faster and more reliable database downloads, and some bug script to remove unused BLAST database volumes. Read the documen...bsp;ftp to https to access BLAST databases for increased performanc...

    301 days ago

  • NCBI Datasets pages

    ...pages now redirect to new NCBI Datasets pages. NCBI Datasets is a new resource that ma...ier to find and download genome data. Learn more: https://ncbiinsi...s now redirect to new NCBI Datasets pages. As now redirect to the new NCBI Datasets Genome record pages that...

    350 days ago

  • GenBank release 257.0 is now available!

    ...traditional records containing 2,112,058,517,945 base pairs of sequence data 2,631,493,489 WGS records containing 22,294,446,104,543 base pairs of sequence data 686,271,945 bulk-oriented TS...

    308 days ago