Results for "Acquired"


  • AccNET

    ...functional information in a network improving the analysis capability. Networks offer a new perspective of organism organization through elements acquired by horizontal gene transfers...

    2811 days ago

  • NearHGT

    ...E. coli strains and detected several highly probable horizontally acquired genes. We then compared the m...richer picture and brings us closer to the goal of detecting all newly acquired genes in a particular strain....

    2918 days ago

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  • Roche has acquired Bina Technologies !!!

    Bina Technologies is a privately held company that provides a big data platform for centralized management and processing of next generation sequencing (NGS) data for the academic and translational research markets.  Bina will be integrated into the Roche Sequencing Unit, and will continue t...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Roche, Acquired, Bina Technologies

    3458 days ago