Results for "Microbes"



Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Certain organisms routinely break universal biological rules. #News #Rules

    3659 days ago

  • What is #mutation? A chapter in the series: How #microbes “jeopardize” the modern synthesis

    1882 days ago


  • Zombies like bacteria!!!

    ...have been found in rocks 2.5km (1.5 miles) below the ocean floor that are as much as 100 million years old. " the microbes exist in very low concentrations, of around 1,000 microbes in every tea spoon full of ro...

    3925 days ago

  • Role of microbes in forensic science

    "Studies on decomposing mice suggest that the microbial content of a corpse can offer clues as to how old a body is and the approximate time that death occurred."Read mo...

    3899 days ago

Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Desai Lab

    ...We use a combination of theory and experiments to study the dynamics and population genetics of natural selection in asexual populations such as microbes and viruses. We use both...

    2964 days ago



  • Metagenomics


    Metagenomics is the study of genetic material from environmental samples to characterize and identify the millions of microbes from these samples. Example: Gut microbiome, soil sample...

    3732 days ago


  • Petrol from Ecoli

    "In recently published paper (entitled "Microbial Production of Short-chain Alkanes") in Nature journal on September 29, a group of genius Korean researchers led by Distinguished Professor Sang Yup Lee of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the Korea Advanced Institute of S...

    Tags: microbes, Ecoli, gasoline, biofuel, genetic engineering

    3898 days ago

  • Zombies like bacteria!!!

    Do you believe in Zombies stories … Hmm confused? Don’t worry there is a news for you. Scientists from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program have announced the findings  of the long-lived bacteria, reproducing only once every 10,000 years, which have been found in rocks 2.5km (1...

    Tags: microbes, bacteria, ocean, sediments, viruses, rock, extremophilic microbes, sequencing, metagenomics

    3925 days ago

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