Results for "structural and sequence variation"




Discussion topics

  • Compressive Genomics

    The key to finding a solution is to notice that most genomicsequences differ by very little. It may...t the number of complete genome sequences being stored is increasing r...l. In other words, a single DNA sequence isn't particularly compressib...s/181-algorithms/4537-a-new-dna-sequence-...

    3947 days ago


  • Bio++ : C Language libraries for your biological need

    ...mes with a genuinely useful standard library that can itself be implemented in C, and it is both efficient and port...the libraries are as follows:Sequence analysis Sequence and Site with codominant markers and bio-sequence data for individuals....B. Non-homogeneous models of sequence...

    3975 days ago

  • BioRuby :Ruby packages for biologist

    BioRuby is a package of Open Source Ruby code, with classes for DNA and protein sequence analysis, alignment, database parsing, and other Bioinformatics tools.BioRuby...University(Bioinformatics Center) and the Open Bio Foundation. The proje...project was started in late 2000, and is st...

    3975 days ago

  • +8 more Pages

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    "Bioinformatics is a science of biological predictions and analysis" -- Jitendra Narayan...biological problems using DNA and amino acid sequences and related information...such as determination of DNA and protein sequences, investigation of prote...The SWISS–PROT protein sequence...

    3975 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Algorithms

    ...uage.- Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell in their Pri...kind of algorithm: Divide and conquer A divide and conquer al...e Lectures on Bioinformatics Sequence Alignment Algorithms Algorit...514.html•

    3974 days ago

  • +41 more Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Visualization of protein sequence features using JavaScript and SVG with pViz.js #Protein #Visualize #Jav

    3571 days ago

  • Creates 100 random DNA sequences with 20 residues. sapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(c("A","T","G","C"), 20, replace=T), collapse="")) #R #Random #Sequence #DNA #Script

    3652 days ago

  • +60 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

  • Structural polymorphism analysis from NGS data

    ...ship project aiming at understanding and improving the adaptive capaci...l to establish a link between sequence variation, functional variation, gene/protein expressio...on of polymorphisms including structural variants, of the comparison of multiple and diverse genomes of a same species a...

    3976 days ago

  • PhD Positions

    van Noort Group is looking for PhD fellows We currently acce...into information by software and tools developed both in acade...gical data becoming available and turn biological information i...r both organisms both natural variatio...-throughput sequencing of DNA and mRNA of populations and isolates. F...

    3976 days ago

  • +78 more Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Papenfuss Lab

    ...ools for discovery in biology and have accelerated the development of understanding in human disease. Resea...Analysis of Next Generation sequence data in cancer Methods for analysis of structural variation in cancer genomes Next Gene...

    3975 days ago

  • Dumontier Lab

    Our research aims to better understand how living systems respond formal (i.e. machine understandable) semantics to make effectively use of vast and diverse amounts of biomedical...d by genetic and physiological variatio...Research Area the discovery and on-demand use of biomedical data an...

    3975 days ago

  • +33 more ResearchLabs posts


  • Bioinformatician become producer/director !!!

    ...ban gaya Genefinder. Har Ligand jo dock karega. Alignment to hona hi tha. Mera sequence mera base. Markov aapke hai...a. BLASTana FASTAna. Hamari Sequence aapke pass hai. BLAST To Hon...Sequence Baarah Hit Tera Ligand Chal Gaya Har Din Jo Modeling Kar...n Karke Dekho Alignment Apna Sequence...

    3946 days ago




  • BioInformatics National Certification (BINC)

    BioInformatics National Certification (BINC)

    BINC (BioInformatics National Certification) is an initiative of Depart...rious Indian universities, Government and private institutions are invo...India. However, there exists a large variatio...the course contents, training period and method of training. Department of B...

    3950 days ago

  • Ruby and BioRuby

    Ruby and BioRuby

    Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose object-oriented programmi...t was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp. Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by...ith classes for DNA and protein sequence analysis, alignment, database parsing, tools for structural biology, and other...

    3947 days ago

  • +1 more Groups