Results for "tmp"


  • AWK for beginners !

    ...string # must match exactly, so use a variable: outfile = "/tmp/foobar.txt"; print "fo...# Reads a line from a file and stores in localvar infile = "/tmp/foobar.txt"; getline loc...

    1878 days ago

  • SLURM Commands job=<jobid> 4. Cancel a jobTo cancel one job: scancel <jobid> To cancel one job and delete the TMP directory created by the subm...

    711 days ago


  • splitbam: splits a BAM by chromosomes

    ...file/bam pattern) REQUIRED. MUST contain __CHROM__ and end with .bam -s assume input is sorted. -x | --index create index. -t | --tmp (dir) tmp file directory -G (file) chr...

    2665 days ago


Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • sudo find /tmp -type f -atime +10 -delete #Delete all tmp files created within 10 days #Linux

    2011 days ago

