Results for "N"


  • Check the Size of a directory & Free disk space.

    The amount of databases we bioinformatician deal are just HUGE … In such cases, we always need to check our server for fr...The same “du”command with some flag gives you a b...d be 30M.$ du -sUse this command to displays a summary of the...

    3744 days ago

  • Find certain files/documents in Linux OS

    As bioinformatician I know the fact that we usually handle the large dataset and lost in the huge numbers of files and...rectory.# find /home -iname gene.txt./gene.txt./Gene.txt4. Fi...nt -exec chmod 644 {} \;16. Find Directories with 777 Permiss...

    3723 days ago

  • Check Linux server configuration !!

    Bioinformatician uses servers for computational analysis. Sometime we need to check the server detail...g system)[root@localhost ~]# uname -ix86_64(x86_64 represents...nbsp;       : nofpu  ...back:         &n...

    3694 days ago

  • Linux Sort Commands for Bioinformatics

    Almost all the scripting languages such as Perl, Python etc have built-in sort, but u...sort a 20Gb file with less than 2Gb memory. It is not trivial...):sort -S 1500M -t $HOME/tmp input.txt > sorted.txt sort...ore help, you can also type:man sortorsort --helpon your Unix...

    3669 days ago

  • Monitor running jobs on Linux server

    You as a bioinformatican run lots of program on your servers. Sometime the sh...grams as well. The "top" command will come in handy when you...If you run something for a long time, you’ll see these...uffersThis should be easy to understand – how much memo...

    3663 days ago

  • Search Shell Command History

    We use couple of hundreads of command in daily basis. Most of them...and history under bash shell and modify or reuse it? Now a da...t Mode Command History SearchingTo get previous command conta...te command historyThe -c option causes the history list to be...

    3657 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- R Syntax

    R is a functional based language, the inputs to a function, including options, are...vides the help page for the FUNCTION ‘read.table’...ey are not needed when referring to data objects or function...object of type dataframe Reminder: Vector: a list of numb...

    3399 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Getting data into R

    For a beginner this can be is the hardest...t, it is also the most important to get right. It is possible to create a vector by typing data directly into R using t...ummary(B) Two other important options for read.table If i...ue B”) , ylab=“Count of Something”) Note...

    3399 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Installing R packages

    ...packages available at the cran and bioconductor repositories. In the last few years, the steps on how to actually install R packages. Let’s...ll, however: if you are using Linux and don’t have r.../") It’s a bit of a pain having to type /data/Rpackage...

    3399 days ago

  • Perl One liner basics !!

    Perl has a ton of command line switches (see perldoc perlrun), but I'm just going to cover the ones you'll commonly need to debug code. The mos...-e switch takes a quoted string of Perl code and executes it...Perl (5.10.0 or higher) you can use the -E switch instead of...

    3311 days ago