Results for "r"


  • Check the Size of a directory & Free disk space.

    ...amount of databases we bioinformatician deal are just HUGE … In such c...ple commands that most bioinformatician want to know when some flag gives you a better output than the default one....know the total size of the current directory.$ du -SThis wou...

    3730 days ago

  • Find certain files/documents in Linux OS

    As bioinformatician I know the fact that we usually handle the large dataset and lost in the huge numbers of files and folders. In ord...ose name is gene.fasta in a current working directory.# find.... -type f -name "*.fa" -exec rm -f {} \;OR# find . -type f -...

    3709 days ago

  • Check Linux server configuration !!

    ...metime we need to check the server details before running our programs or tools. Here I am showin...;  TikangaTo check whether the operating system is 32 or...     : 2core id    &n...p;   1639300 kBBuffers:    &nbs...

    3680 days ago

  • Linux Sort Commands for Bioinformatics

    Almost all the scripting languages such as Perl, Python etc have built-in sort, but unfortunately none of th...come to space efficiency GNU sort stands at the top. It can so...-delimited file based on its first column, then the second if...f identical, sort the 3rd as strings, ascending order:sort -k2...

    3654 days ago

  • Monitor running jobs on Linux server

    You as a bioinformatican run lots of program on your servers. Sometime the shared server is also used by your colleague. If server is busy...he first line tells you the current time, how long the machin...on (“us” stands for “user”) and how b...

    3648 days ago

  • Search Shell Command History

    We use couple of hundreads of command in daily basis. Most of them are actually repeated several time. The question remain o...under bash shell and modify or reuse it? Now a days almost a...r] followed by search string:(reverse-i-search): To get previ...

    3642 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- R Syntax

    R is a functional based language...function, including options, are in brackets. Note that all dat and...n q() So is help help(read.table) Provides the hel...ges that might relate to the phrase ‘t test’ NOTE...function, by default this is printed to screen read.table(...

    3385 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Getting data into R

    For a beginner this can be is the hardest part, it is also the most important to get right. It is poss...yping its name; x will produce the output ‘[1] 1...explain]. If any of these are false, we need to tell that...R is capable of type demo(graphics) steps through the e...

    3385 days ago

  • A guide for complete R beginners :- Installing R packages

    Part of the reason R has become so popular is the vast array of packages available at the cran and bioconductor repositori...Installing packages without root access First, you need to...> library(ggplot2) just works! Setting the repository E...

    3385 days ago

  • Perl One liner basics !!

    Perl has a ton of command line switches (see perldoc perlrun), but I'm just going to c...Perl code and executes it. For example:$ perl -e 'print "Hel...e-quotes instead.I'm always forgetting what Perl's and makes the code cleaner:$ perl -E 'say "$^O"'linuxPre...

    3296 days ago