Results for "Innovating new ideas."


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    The genome assemblers generally take a file of short sequence reads and...y tools, and modular in nature so that new contributions can be easily will foster the development of new assembly algorithms and allow...tig ends; local assembly of reads into new co...

    2728 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to coloriz...tion Avro Data Serializer. See new official repo xme/known_host...searchable on the Web SoylentNews/rehash - Forked from Sl...excessively configurable colinnewell/Jenkins-API - Jenkins...g html neilb/WebService-HackerNews&n...

    2536 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 3

    fujiwara/perl-queue-q4pg-lite - simple message queue usin...nguage in your browser syohex/new-tohoho - Modernize 「とほほの...門」 simcop2387/perlbuut - new version of perlbot, based on...sque ported to perl PerlChina/Newbie-Gift - A tool suite f...on EC2, S3, SQS, ELB, and SDB (new!)...

    2536 days ago