licheng/gccfilter - gccfilter is a perl filter to colorize and simplify (or expand) gcc diagnostic messages. gccfilter is particularly aimed at g++ (i.e. dealinging with C++) messages which can contain lot of template-related errors or warnings difficult to sort out.
Geo-omics/scripts - General scripts used in the lab. Almost all of them are in core perl, i.e require no modules that don't already come with a perl installation. These script are currently in use by the Lab, so expect full support. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number EAR-1035955. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
garu/POD2-PT_BR - Brazilian portuguese translation of Perl core documentation
dermesser/fastcgi-wrappers - This repository contains two FastCGI wrappers written in Perl. The first may execute any executable file in the same way CGI does, the second one does inline-eval of Perl scripts to avoid any forking.
cooper/juno - a seriously modern IRC daemon written from scratch in Perl. designed to be ridiculously extensible, painlessly reloadable, and excessively configurable
marcschwartz/WriteXLS - CRAN Package WriteXLS: Cross-platform Perl based R function to create Excel 2003 (XLS) and Excel 2007 (XLSX) files from one or more data frames. Each data frame will be written to a separate named worksheet in the Excel spreadsheet. The worksheet name will be the name of the data frame it contains or can be specified by the user.
masak/farm - Little Animal Farm, a WWII polish family game, implemented in Perl 6
LiosK/Finance--Quote--YahooJapan - Finance::Quote::YahooJapan - A Perl module that enables GnuCash to get quotes of Japanese stocks and mutual funds from Yahoo! Finance JAPAN.
alexei/silverstripe-unidecode - Unidecode is a PHP version of the perl module Text::Unicode. It takes UTF-8 data and tries to represent it in US-ASCII characters.
gbarr/perl-IO - Perl IO modules -- THESE MODULES ARE NO LONGER MAINTAINED OUTSIDE THE perl5 DISTRIBUTION. Send all patched to <a href="mailto:perl5-porters@perl.