Results for "NGS"


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...e reads into haplotypes. GAM-NGS 1.1b – Genome Assemblie...uction Using Incremental HashingStringGraph is a novel, ha...contig sequences (FASTA) and NGS paired-read data (FASTA or FA...reads Filtering and ScaffoldingSLIQ , a set of simple lin...

    2718 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 2

    ...R-1035955. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommend...azon-MWS - Perl API bindings to Amazon Marketplace Web Ser...;- version agnostic Perl bindings for zeromq avar/sendmail-pmi...e-MtGox - MtGox API bindings for Perl masartz/p5-webservi...

    2526 days ago