Results for "World"


  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    ...ark Gerstein at Yale University. The powerful world of bioinformatics Bioinforma...sis Keith Robison's guide to the exciting world of biosequence comparison! Us...the class By Beth Schachter, Bio-IT World , June 12, 2002. The pr...

    3950 days ago

  • Perl One liner basics !!

    ...or execute (or maybe "engage" :) ). The -e switch takes a quoted string of Perl code and executes it. For example:$ perl -e 'print "Hello, World!\n"'Hello, World!It's important that you use s...

    3298 days ago

  • Hello Python World ! in Python is the "print" directive - it simply prints out a line (and also includes a newline). Create a file print("Hello, Python World !.") Run python3

    2211 days ago