Results for "Convert"


  • Converting BLAST output into CSV

    Suppose we wanted to do something with all this BLAST output. Generally, that’s the case - you want to retrieve all matches, or do a reciprocal BLAST, or something. As with most programs that run on UNIX, the text output is in some specific format. If the program is popular enough, there w...

    Tags: Convert, BLAST, output, CSV, blastn, megablast

    2381 days ago

  • Convert VCF to tab-deilimited table

    Performed with GATK : java -Xmx8g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \ -T VariantsToTable \ -R reference.fa \ -V reference_genomes_GT.vcf \ -F CHROM -F POS -F REF -F ALT -GF GT \ -o reference_genomes_GT.table multiple_sample.vcf should also be converted to multiple_sample_GT.table using this...

    Tags: Convert, VCF, tab-deilimited, table

    2226 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequences. Some methods are listed below. Using SED sed can be used to selectively print the desired lines from a file, so if you print the first and 2rd line of every 4 lines, you get the sequence header and sequence need...

    Tags: fasta, fastq, convert, sed, awk, seqtk, bioawk, fastx, Emboss, fastq2fasta

    2349 days ago