Results for "Data mining"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Definitions

    ...f large amounts of biological data, using networks of computers and databases." - from the glossary fo...ctures are stored in specific databases (for example, the Protei...ate kingdom of archeae; determining active site residues, and r...sis of structural and genomic data will certainly get more importa...

    3975 days ago

  • Data Mining in Bioinformatics

    Data mining, the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases. Data mining is becoming an increasingly...ion and scientific discovery. Data Mining for Bioinformatics enables...ustrating positions to be in. Data mining is a huge field and can easil...

    3974 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Algorithms

    An algorithm is a computable set of steps to achieve a desired result. W.... Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and many other fi...of the Quick Sort algorithm is to sort data in ascending or descending or...Sorting can be done on each segment of data a...

    3974 days ago

  • Phylogenetic for Bioinformatics

    Biologists estimate that there are about 5 to 100 million specie...Molecular phylogeny uses such data to build a "relationship tree...through molecular sequencing data and morphological data matric...isal. This particular kind of data has become so popular that ta...ology Group Paleobiology Databa...

    3974 days ago

  • List of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Journals

    ...C Bioinformatics Online Journal of Bioinformatics (OJB) PSB On-Line Proceedings Bioinformatics: Information Technology & Systems (BITS) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery The...

    3756 days ago

  • Genomics for Bioinformatician

    ...ues of sequencing, genome mapping, data storage, and bioinformatic an...ion of genes and pathways and determining how they interact with envi...of the sequence and will apply its data to the better understanding o...Using Selected Resources in Genome Database Guide: A Web-Based Compara...

    3970 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Courses Around the World

    ...ology of research. Optional courses: 1. data types - databases - biological database de...o bioinformatics, three-day course, TBA mining the knowledge of the new ge...nger, one-week course molecular biology database and analysis tools, April 6...

    3971 days ago

  • Useful Links for Bioinformaticians

    Bioinformatics demands knowledge of various inter-linked subjects. This page provide links of some the...HELP MANUAL BLAST tutorial Pedestrian guide to analysing sequence databases Sequence Comparison (Keith Robison) Databa...

    3158 days ago

  • Structure of Binary files used for storing sequencing data-bam and sff

    Many times bioinformatician needs to parse binary files like bam and sff. Advantage of binary files is that they occupy less space in memory with maximum information co...

    3948 days ago

  • Best book Titles for Learning Bionformatics

    Nothing can add to our intellect more than reading a book.  ...: A Guide to Common Tools and Databases, Scott Markel, Darryl Le...01, Jones & Bartlett Pub Data Analysis and Classification f...ern Discovery in Biomolecular Data: Tools, Techniques, and Appli...of Gene Expression Microarray Data,...

    3946 days ago