Results for "Regex"

Top-level pages

  • Most Commonly used Awk by Bioinformatician

    ...d 80th: awk 'NR>=20&&NR<=80' input.txt > output.txt calculate the average of column 2: awk '{x+=$2}END{print x/NR}' input.txt regex (egrep): awk '/^test[0-9]+/'...

    3953 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for bioinformatician !!!

    ...y lines in a fileperl -pe '$_ = ++$a." $_" if /regex/' #Number only lines that match a patternperl -ne 'print ++$a." $_" if /regex/' #Number and print only line...ert unix newlines into MAC newlines:perl -pe '/regexp/ && s/foo/bar/' #Sub...

    3669 days ago

  • PerlOneLiner for Bioinformatician

    ...ifiedperl -pe '$_ = ++$a." $_" if /regex/' # Number and print only li...ternperl -ne 'print ++$a." $_" if /regex/' # Number all lines, but pr...match a patternperl -alne 'map { /regex/ && $t++ } @F; END {...tch a regular expressionperl -ne '/regex/ && print' # Print o...

    2343 days ago