Results for "Paired end sequencing"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics and Sequencing Courses and Workshops

    Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) organises lots...ormatics also organises various bioinformatics and sequencing courses: http://bioinformati... Europe also organise bioinformatics and sequencing courses annually: http://www...

    3935 days ago

  • Useful Publications and Websites for Deep Sequencing Data Analysis

    ...ence of editing or are simply sequencing errors - the authors stand by...otyping using next-generation sequencing. Davey et al., Nat Rev Genet...nomics 13:3, 2012. Full Text Paired-end RAD-seq for de novo assembly and mar...Local de novo assembly of RAD paired-end contigs using short sequencing reads...

    3807 days ago

  • List of bioinformatics open source projects/software.

    Open source software is software that can be freely us...p:// Suite of packages for sequencing, searching, etc. Gaggle htt...) a software package to analyse next-generation resequencing data

    3785 days ago

  • List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage !!!

    List of generic simulation software/ individual based model intended to simulate datasets under...v/gasp/GemSIM Next generation sequencing read simulator http://...e under selection Profile-based Illumina pair-end reads simulator

    3765 days ago

  • List of In-silico Binding Site Prediction Tools

    Following are the list of In-silico Binding Site Prediction in Proteins...d DFG and APE motifs at the start and end of the loop, respectively. Th...on the Ligsite algorithm written by Hendlich et al. (1997). Pocket-Fin...brane (TM) channels. MolAxis has a friendly web...

    3772 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for bioinformatician !!!

    With the emergence of NGS technologies, and sequencing data most of the bioinformaticians mu...y lines in a fileperl -lne '$a++ if /regex/; END {print $a+0}' #print the tota...ds(words) in each line.perl -alne '$t += @F; END { print $t}' #Find total number of w...

    3656 days ago

  • Next generation sequencing in R or bioconductor environment

    There are many R software and biocon...inding site. The algorithm extends the popular motif discovery...s produced by high throughput sequencing technologies. While support is provided for many sequencing technologies, this package is...a the Internet, so it's recommended that you cache the data locally, o...

    3653 days ago

  • Commercial and public next-gen-seq (NGS) software for reference alignment of paired-end and single-end Illumina reads. Uses...s, emerged by next-generation sequencing technology, back to the refer...eed about 20-25X coverage and paired reads. Developed by Daniel Sciences Centre. MySQL backend and Perl-CGI web-based frontend/Linu...

    3547 days ago

  • miRNA database and tools

    Since few years miRNA has shown to play...and tools related with miRNA: miRNA Sequencing data analysis : http://t...: Sequencing based miRNA DB : http://...iction.html Idea of analysing miRNA Sequencing data : http://www.illumina.c...

    3524 days ago

  • Apps for Busy Bioinformatics Researchers !!!

    ...plement", "Jump to", fast and end scrolling, "Chromatogram adjustments...example "CDK4" or "cyclin dependent kinase 4" and BioGene will retrie...yzing cases with whole genome sequencing data that have been published...d share your art with your friends and family. More @  https:/...

    3569 days ago