Results for "Tools"


  • List of non-commercial NGS genotype-calling software

    Meaningful analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data, which are produced extensively by genetics and genomics studies, relies crucially on the accurate calling of SNPs and genotypes. Recently developed statistical methods both improve and quantify the considerable uncertainty associated w...

    Tags: List, non-commercial, NGS, genotype-calling, software, tools, snv

    2131 days ago

  • Frequent parameters for bioinformatics tools !

    Third party executable parameters and options.   Trimmomatic   “ILLUMINACLIP:...:2:30:10” “LEADING:15” “TRAILING:15” “SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20” “MINLEN:20” “TOPHRED33”   Filtlong --min_length 500 --min...

    Tags: Frequent, parameters, bioinformatics, tools

    1321 days ago

  • Short-read assembly using Spades !

    If we only had Illumina reads, we could also assemble these using the tool Spades. You can try this here, or try it later on your own data. Get data We will use the same Illumina data as we used above: illumina_R1.fastq.gz: the Illumina forward reads illumina_R2.fastq.gz: the Illumina reve...

    Tags: spades, assembly, short, reads, genome, tools

    860 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in September 2021: SPAdes: An assembler specifically designed for single-cell and multi-cell bacterial genomes, as well as...

    Tags: bioinformatics, tools, genome, assembly

    321 days ago

  • Mitochondrial genome assembly tools !

    Mitochondrial genome assembly tools are specialized software and algorithms designed to accurately reconstruct the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) from sequencing data, typically obtained through techniques like next-generation sequencing (NGS). The mitochondrial genome is relatively small comp...

    Tags: Mitochondrial, genome, assembly, tools

    278 days ago