Results for "c"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics infrastructure speed up Indian agriculture

    "Realizing the paradigm shift it can bring about, the government is focusing on increased bioinformatics intervention in agri-sciences. Currently under process, the national gr...expected make much better sense out of huge genomic" - http://www.biospectrumin...

    3737 days ago

  • List of bioinformatics open source projects/software.

    Open source software is software that can be freely used, changed, and shared (in suite of automated docking tools Biochemical Algori...kit BioRails a data analyze and edit DNA sequence files Integrated Genome Bro...

    3784 days ago

  • List of In-silico Binding Site Prediction Tools

    ...lowing are the list of In-silico Binding Site Prediction in Proteins tools CASTp :  Computed Atl...database. All-against-all structural comparison was performed...have developed a new method PocketDepth, for identification o...

    3771 days ago

  • List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage !!!

    List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage ALF A...s of genome evolution GenomeSIMLA is currently under development- ho...gration and demography

    3765 days ago

  • Linux for bioinformatician !!!

    ...nux, free operating system for computers, provides several pow...l admin tools and utilities which will help you to manage your systems effectively and handle huge amount...are. Although most bioinformatics programs can be compiled to...nd system admin as well as basic tools, which will help you to...

    3733 days ago

  • Perl one-liner for bioinformatician !!!

    With the emergence of NGS technologies, and sequencing data most of the bioinform...esperl -pe '$_.="\n"x7' #7 space in a line.perl -ne 'print number of lines that matches the patternperl -alne 'pri...a line with a regexp. Reference/Sources: http://genomics-ar...

    3656 days ago

  • Next generation sequencing in R or bioconductor environment are many R software and bioconductor packages for NGS data anal...extends the popular motif discovery tool MEME (Bailey and El...enome package if a prebuilt package does not exist for your o...containers for storing genomic intervals as well as more spe...

    3652 days ago

  • Commercial and public next-gen-seq (NGS) software

    Integrated solutions CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial...reduce the set of possible matches, drastically increasing se...anada's Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre. Python/Win or L...

    3546 days ago

  • miRNA database and tools

    Since few years miRNA has shown to...y important role in therapeutic related research and also known to play vital...olling gene expression specifically at transcriptional and miRNA predictor : http://www.microrna...g data :

    3523 days ago

  • Subprocess pkg

    Subprocess is one of simplest way of running linux command from within python code Example: if you want to run fastqc for QC of fastq file: from subprocess import Popen,PIPE,call p=...E,stderr=PIPE) print p.stderr p.stdout.close() More: http://pymotw.c...

    3576 days ago