Results for "image processing"

Top-level pages

  • Ancestral sequence reconstruction steps !

    Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) – also known as ancestral g...ure of a tree input file -> arquivo.tre) These steps above, I call of pre-processing to inferences phylogenetic......

    2222 days ago

  • Parallel Processing with Perl !

    Here is a small tutorial on how to make best use of mul...h multiple processes because it will decrease the processing efficiency( each child proces...ach fork writing to a separate file and after the processing just concatenating them. Put...

    2123 days ago

  • Installing ELGG on Ubuntu !

    Follow this: Settings file Error Your web server does not have permiss...lowOverride is not set to All for Elgg's directory. This prevents Apache from processing the .htaccess file which cont...

    935 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    To find repeats in a genome from 2 to 9 length using a Perl script, you can use t...processors>: The number of processors/threads you want to use for parallel processing. <divergence_value>: T...

    291 days ago