Results for "online training program"

Top-level pages

  • Tools for bacterial whole genome annotation

    RAST – Web tool (upload contigs), uses the subsystems in the SEED database and...without the overhead of a database. MAKER is available for download and can be tested online...

    2359 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Web Application Development with Perl

    ...elopment The old days of CGI programs and the simple development s...dule central, modern Perl web programming follows a stricter separa...and applications, though good programmers can build larger things w...prowess as a general purpose programming language as well as its f...

    2349 days ago

  • Python learning resources for bioinformatics and computational biologist !

    ...are the list of useful python programming resources: 20 Python L...CodeCademy Python Composing Programs (3.x) Data Structures...ay (2.5 - 2.6) Learn to Program Using Python - Cody Jack...2.5 - 2.x) Wikibooks: Python Programming (2.7)...

    2282 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads | - a multiple sequence alignment - a multiple sequence alignment program Codon Optimization OnLine (COOL): a web-based multi-obje...

    2269 days ago

  • Tools to Predict the Impact of Missense Variants !

    Prioritizing missense variants for further experimental investigation is a key challenge in current sequencing studi...ferent variants from the same protein occurring both in the datasets used for trainin...

    2231 days ago

  • Creating conda environment for python2.7

    TIP: By default, environments are installed into the e...y=0.15.0 astroid babel TIP: Install all the programs that you want in this environment at the same time. Installing 1 program at a time can lead to depende...

    2217 days ago

  • Learning Python Programming - a bioinformatician perspective !

    Python Programming is a general purpose programming language that is open source, flexible,...essing with the help of python packages and programming. Python has a couple of...t. Python is interpreted language so the program does not need to be compiled....

    2210 days ago

  • Ancestral sequence reconstruction steps !

    Ancestral sequence reconstruction (ASR) – also known as ancestral gene...Clock, but is necessary Clock Testing:   - This step is performed with program Beast (Beauti, Beast and Tree...

    2206 days ago

  • Parallel Processing with Perl !

    Here is a small tutorial on how to make best use of multipl...enate them. Thats it, you have just increased your program speed by 8 times!! Isnt it ea...ipe <(file1) final_file; Thats it guys!! Enjoy programming and please do comment. I...

    2107 days ago

  • Benchmarking Perl Module !

    The benchmark module is a great tool to know the time the c...esity to know about the CPU time taken by our perl program. This is the simple way to the time taken by some part of the code in the program. More sophisticated way:...

    2107 days ago