Results for "Bioinformatics and Computational Biology"

Top-level pages

  • List of visualization tools for network biology

    Network analysis is any structured technique used to mathematically a...oftware DyCo...ction techniques, data models and domain-specific visualizations h...tandardized diagrams (Systems Biology Graphical Notation Process De...

    2331 days ago

  • List of visualization tools for genome alignments

    Genome browsers are useful not only for showing final resu...could be useful for analysis and interpretation of result...o display a sequence assembly and associated metadata http://w...w- or high-depth read pileups and easy visualization of putativ...of a reference genome http://bioinformatic...

    2326 days ago

  • Linux Commands Cheat Sheet for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Professionals

    The purpose of this cheat sheet is to introduce biologist and bioinformatician to the items in current directory and show in long format to see pe...ll items in current directory and show directories with a; edit file alias name 'command' — create an alias...

    2323 days ago

  • Awk for Bioinformatician and computational biologist

    Awk is a programming language which allows easy manipulation of structured data and is mostly used for pattern scanning and processing. It searches one o...h with the specified patterns and then perform associated actio...itespace character by default and stores it in the $n variables...

    2322 days ago

  • Computational resources for TE discovery and TE detection

    Transposable Elements (TEs) to genome structure and evolution as well as their im...eloping new methods for their computational analysis. Following are the list of resource and location for TE discovery and...g/ RepeatRunner R...

    2316 days ago

  • Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis on 28 Feb 2018

    Strand NGS is a biologist friendly NGS analysis tool that allow...will highlight the use of Strand NGS features such as PCA, sam...years experience in molecular biology, next-generation sequencing b...a Ph.D in Molecular and Cell Biology from Indian Institute of Scie...

    2306 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools to detect horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in genomes

    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), the “non-sexual movement of relatively common in prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryotes, nucleus, integrate into the genome, and in more c...tic incompatibility with the host genome and mis...

    893 days ago

  • Python learning resources for bioinformatics and computational biologist !

    Python is a general-purpose language, which means it can be use...ld productivity tools, games, and desktop apps, so there are pl...-learn-python and Tour of Python - Jake VanderPlas (PDF) (EPUB, MOBI)...Allen B. Downey, Jeff Elkner and Chris Mey...

    2298 days ago

  • Some useful Bioinformatics links

    Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic Re...LAST DNA Sequences Reversed - Biology Stack Exchange

    2284 days ago

  • Bioinformatics OneLiner

    To remove all line ends (\n) from a Unix text file: sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//...To split bam files into sets with mapped and unmapped reads: samtools vie...all your fastq files using gnu parallel and gzip: pa...| \tr "\t" "\n" > myf2.fq To filter and sor...

    2260 days ago