Results for "pe"

Top-level pages

  • Cheatsheet for Linux !!

    ...current directory and show in long format to see perimissions, size, an modificat...ash; force kill process id pid    Permissions    ls...- u is the user's permissions, g is the group's permissions, and o is everyone e...

    2928 days ago

  • Tool: Gene Set Clustering based on Functional annotation (GeneSCF) , 2)   The advantage of using GeneSCF over other enrichment tools is that, it performs enrichment analysis in...

    2926 days ago

  • NGS Glossary !! Compact Idiosyncratic Gapped Alignment Report. A compact...y sequencing machines. genotype likelihood: the probability t...used to represent multiple types of quality metrics, includin...atly increasing the scale of operations and thus the number of...

    2923 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART1 !!

    ...ed Complexity ARC is a pipeline which facilitates iterati...uivalent to the edge merging operations in a semi-group. Then...Trans-ABySS is a software pipeline for analyzing ABySS-assem...ent in scaffold assemblies, especially those generated by the...

    2740 days ago

  • Source Code and Pseudo Code !!

    ..., " "iteration," and a case-type statement. In C, "sequence statements" are imperatives. The "selection" is th...rd. All statements showing "dependency" are to be indented. Th...VERY good and is language independent. Case...EndCase; If...En...It would not hurt the appearance of your pseudocode to d...

    2713 days ago

  • Perl Special Vars Quick Reference

    ...r to $& without performance penalty. Requires /p...milar to $' without performance penalty. Requires&nb...rce code to Unicode. ${^OPEN} Internal use: \0 separated...tpid(), or from the system() operator. ID's and Process I...

    2698 days ago

  • Quick next generation sequencing (NGS) terms definition

    ...reads: a read pair is called concordant if they can be mapped to the reference genome as “expected”: (a) mapped to breaking into two sub-reads is called a split-read. These types of reads also indicate a pot...

    2576 days ago

  • Awesome perl frameworks, libraries and software - PART 1

    A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks, libraries and software. major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with y...h API. lhost/sendxmpp - perl-script to send xmpp (jabber...imap-dmarcts ) prepan-developers/prepan - Social Review...

    2543 days ago

  • Import R Data

    ...;"mydata.xls". This method requires Perl runtime to be present in th...e Worksheet format, it can be opened with the function rea...n SPSS format, it can be opened with the function rea...ual data. Here is a sample of the expected format. Col1,Col2,Col3...

    2543 days ago

  • Phylogenetic & Molecular Genetics Terms and Definitions

    analog -- A feature that appears similar in two taxa which...Any organism, population, or species from which some other organism, population, or species is descended by reproduct...taxa to the descendant taxa appearing at the terminal points acquired by an ancestor deeper in the phylogeny than the mo...

    2516 days ago