A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks, libraries and software.
major/MySQLTuner-perl - MySQLTuner is a script written in Perl that will assist you with your MySQL configuration and make recommendations for increased performance and stability.
kraih/mojo - Mojolicious - Perl real-time web framework
petdance/ack2 - ack 2.0 is a greplike tool optimized for programmers searching large heterogeneous trees of source code.
libwww-perl/libwww-perl - The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent application programming interface to the World-Wide Web. The main focus of the library is to provide classes and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also contain modules that are of more general use and even classes that help you implement simple HTTP servers.
colorgcc/colorgcc - colorgcc is a perl script to colorize gcc output. I'm collecting random patches and changes
bbusschots/hsxkpasswd - A Perl module and terminal command for generating secure memorable passwords inspired by the fabulous XKCD web comic and Steve Gibson's Password Hay Stacks. This is the library that powers www.xkpasswd.net
Test-More/test-more - Test2, Test::More, Test::Simple and Test::Builder Perl modules for writing tests
smtpd/qpsmtpd - qpsmtpd is a flexible smtpd daemon written in Perl
sveinbjornt/Data-URL-Toolkit - Various tools for working with Data URLs, incl. web application (http://dataurl.net), Mac OS X GUI app, command line tool, Perl modules and Apache module.
famzah/langs-performance - C++ vs. Python vs. Perl vs. PHP vs. Java vs. NodeJS vs. Go vs. Ruby performance benchmark
agentzh/old-openresty - Obsolete 1st generation of OpenResty written mostly in Perl. Please check out the new OpenResty based on Nginx and Lua instead.
plainblack/webgui - A free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet.
mharsch/arcstat - uses Perl to extract, format, and display kstats from the ZFS ARC
thaljef/Pinto - Curate your own repository of Perl modules
rcaputo/reflex - Reflex is a class library for writing reactive Perl programs. It provides base classes for reactive objects, and specific subclasses for various tasks.
ewels/ClusterFlow - A pipelining tool to automate and standardise bioinformatics analyses on cluster environments.
denny/ShinyCMS - ShinyCMS is an open source CMS built in Perl using the Catalyst framework.
nassosoassos/sail_align - SailAlign is an open-source software toolkit for robust long speech-text alignment implementing an adaptive, iterative speech recognition and text alignment scheme that allows for the processing of very long (and possibly noisy) audio and is robust to transcription errors. It is mainly written as a perl library but its functionality also depends on freely available software, namely HTK, srilm and sclite.
ericblue/Perl-FitBit-API - Provides an OO API for fetching fitness data from fitbit.com. Currently there is no official API, however data is retrieved using XML feeds that populate the flash-based charts.
jploski/epic-ide - EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration (new official repository!)
jnthn/blizkost - Makes Perl 5 available as if it were just another Parrot language by embedding the Perl 5 interpreter.
jeroennijhof/pam_script - PAM script module will allow you to execute scripts during authorization, password changes and sessions. This is very handy if your current security application has no pam support but is accessable with perl or other scripts.
rjbs/App-Cmd - perl framework for testable, extensible command line apps
grampajoe/Autodatamosh - Perl script that automatically datamoshes MPEG4-encoded AVI videos.
xtaran/unburden-home-dir - Automatically unburden $HOME from caches, etc. Useful for $HOME on SSDs, small disks or slow NFS homes. Can be triggered via an hook in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/.
sisimai/p5-Sisimai - Mail Analyzing Interface for email bounce: A Perl module to parse RFC5322 bounce mails and generating structured data as JSON from parsed results. Formerly known as bounceHammer 4: an error mail analyzer.
techsneeze/dmarcts-report-parser - A Perl based tool to parse DMARC reports from an IMAP mailbox or from the filesystem, and insert the information into a database. ( Formerly known as imap-dmarcts )
FormFu/HTML-FormFu - HTML Form Creation, Rendering and Validation Framework. Just define the form, and let FormFu do the all heavy lifting.
cbbrowne/autodoc - PostgreSQL Autodoc - dumps a Postgres schema in several useful documentary forms
xen-tools/xen-tools - xen-tools is a collection of simple perl scripts which allow you to easily create new Xen guest domains upon your Xen host server.
pkrumins/social-scraper - Social scraper is a Perl program that scrapes reddit, digg, stumbleupon, delicious, furl, flickr, simpy, boingboing, wired for content that matches the given patterns.
metomi/fcm - FCM: a modern Fortran build system + wrappers to Subversion for scientific software development
khrt/Raisin - Raisin - a REST API micro framework for Perl
do-know/Crypt-LE - Crypt::LE (ZeroSSL project) - Let's Encrypt client and library in Perl for getting free SSL certificates (inc. generating RSA/ECC keys and CSRs). HTTP/DNS verification is supported out of the box, easily extended with plugins.
ewels/clusterflow - A pipelining tool to automate and standardise bioinformatics analyses on cluster environments.
diegok/resque-perl - Perl port of the original Ruby library. It's intended to work using the same backend to share tasks and be able to manage the system using ruby's resque-server webapp. Resque is a Redis-backed library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
tonycoz/imager - Imager - image manipulation from perl. This is a mirror only, pull requests will be closed without comment if I ever notice them. Please submit patches (or bugs) via bug-Imager [at] rt.cpan.org
tobeychris/hipchat-room-message-APIv2 - This is a simple perl script that will use Hipchat's API v2 to message a room after passing in the room name, authentication token and a message. Also includes features for selecting the colour, notifying the room, passing in an html message, using a proxy and using API v1 should you so choose.
ntruchsess/perl-firmata - Perl implementation of the firmata client. Originally authored by Aki Mimoto (amimoto) this repository was transfered to Norbert Truchsess (ntruchsess) in 02/2013. Anybody willing to contribute is very wellcome! Please submitt pull-requests against branch 'dev'
mtw/Bio-ViennaNGS - A Perl extension and collection of utilities for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) data analysis