Results for "structural and sequence variation"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics Training Courses At RASA LSI

    RASA conducts comprehensive Life Science skill development trai...ionals, researchers, students and job-seeker. The trainings are...overy course, Next Generation Sequence data analysis course, science & have a command over software developing process &...rldwide, along with corporate and skill...

    1670 days ago

  • Type of SSR

    Types of SSRs (simple sequence repeats), SSRs are short DNA sequences consisting of a tandem repeat of a few nucleotides, typ...s of SSRs based on the length and pattern of the repeated sequence, as well as the presence or a...

    451 days ago

  • Steps to find all the repeats in the genome !

    To find repeats in a genome from 2 to 9 length using a Perl script, y...r website[0]. Prepare the genome sequence: Make sure you have the genome sequence in a FASTA file format. Let' be saved. <min_length> and <max_length>: The minimum and maxim...

    276 days ago