Results for "Chem-bioinformatics"

Top-level pages

  • Bioinformatics in Africa:- Part 1

    The Institut Pasteur de Côte d’Ivoire was created by the N°72­511 law of July 27th, 1972 under the Presidency of his Excellency Felix Houphouët Boign...

    1243 days ago

  • Read Simulators

    Short Read Simulators With the popularity of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, many NGS read simulators have been developed. Currently, many of the popular shor...

    636 days ago

  • Bioinformatics tools for genome assembly !

    There are numerous genome assembly tools available, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some widely used genome assembly tools as of my last update in S...

    339 days ago