Results for "Seal"


  • BBTools for bioinformatician ! also nondeterministic in paired mode with multiple threads. BBDuk and Seal (which can be used similarly...another for everything else. It only outputs one file per reference, on the other hand, which...

    2409 days ago


  • BBTools User Guide

    ...uide Data Preprocessing Guide Specific Tool Guides: BBDuk BBMap BBMask BBMerge BBNorm CalcUniqueness Clumpify Dedupe Reformat Repair Seal Split Nextera Statistics T...

    2475 days ago

  • Seal: SEquence ALignment evaluation suite

    Seal is a comprehensive sequencing simulation and alignment tool evaluation sui...rectly or incorrectly mapped. Computing run times and measures of accuracy. Seal has interfaces to evalua...

    2453 days ago

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