Results for "Major"

ResearchLabs posts

  • AU-KBC Lab

    Conducting Clinical Trial Management Course combined with the Apollo Hospitals. Major Research in bioinformatics as Drug Discovery, Functional Genomics, Comparative genomics, Data Mining More @

    3937 days ago

  • Mathivanan Lab

    The major research interests are in exploring the role of extracellular matrix components (soluble secreted proteins and membrane vesicles) in cancer and intercellular c...

    3932 days ago

  • Molecular Bioinformatics Lab (MBL)

    ...ction in proteins and nucleic acids. Our research can be divided in two major topics: the study of the s..., and the interaction of these with other elements (function) is of our major interest. Lab page @ http:...

    3871 days ago

  • GABi

    GABi Research The major researching fields defined as the GABi scope are described next: Sequence Analysis Protein Structure Prediction Comparative Genomics...

    3854 days ago

  • National Center for Bioinformatics (NCB)

    NCB is offering M.Phil and Ph.D programs in the area of Bioinformatics. The major goal of NCB is to promote quality training and research in the area of Bioinformatics. Bioinformatic...

    3626 days ago

  • Computational Structural Biology Lab IITKGP

    The major areas of research: Molecular recognition: Protein-protein, Protein-Nucleic acid and Protein-ligand interactions. Studies on multi-component protein assembl...

    3282 days ago

  • Joao Pedro de Magalhaes Lab

    Ageing has a profound impact on human society and modern medicine, yet it remains a major puzzle of biology. The goal of my work is to help understand the genetic, cellular, and mole...

    3560 days ago

  • Manolis Kellis Lab

    A major focus of our lab is understanding the effects of genetic variation on molecular phenotypes and human disease. We develop methods for integrating diverse functio...

    3068 days ago

  • Eugene V. Koonin Lab

    Interested in understanding the evolution of life. To obtain glimpses of such understanding, we employ existing and new methods of computational biology to perform research in several major areas.

    2360 days ago

  • Hejnol Group

    ...ravel the evolution and development of animal organ systems. To understand the evolution of the biodiversity seen on planet earth is one of the major goals in biology. How animals...

    2315 days ago