Results for "Functional annotation"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Prof. Chandrasekhar Kanduri Laboratory

    Our lab has been interested in understanding how long noncoding RNAs control tumor initiat...dhood cancer, as a model system to understand the functional role of long noncoding RNAs i...nosis and therapy. We are currently exploring the functional...

    2900 days ago

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jeanette Erdmann's Lab

    Her prestigious lab working on Integrative and Experimental genomics to understand the underlying mechanism thats abl...myocardial infarction (MI) via GWAS, different Sequencing technologies and Functional...

    2359 days ago

  • ShendureLab

    The mission of our lab is to develop and apply new technologies and methods for genetics, genomics and molecular biol...Methods Genomic Approaches to Developmental Biology Massively Parallel Functional...

    2348 days ago

  • Bourque Lab

    ...of DNA base pairs and interpreting how variation impacts basic biology and disease. We develop computational methods and resources for the functional annotation of genomes with a special emp...

    1966 days ago